Saturday 28 January 2012

New Blog Design

I am sure you have all noticed my new design, this is all courtesy of miss Eve from sword maiden for christ  Miss Eve did a wonderful job designing this, so check out her blog please you can by clicking here. I'd love to know your thoughts on the new design so comment away.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Imperfection Is Beauty

Perfection the word that breeds dread into every heart that hears, it gives the thought to some unattainable unflawed state of being. Is it possible to be perfect and is it necessary ? I have been thinking allot about the definition of perfection in the modern society in which we live, the push to be the ne plus ultra. Every where I look I see people striving to be perfect in there human way, and everything is pushing people to be perfect, it makes me sad to see people trying to push them selfs into a mold made by someone els all for the sake of trying to be liked more. Isn't that the reason for perfection ? or am I wrong. now that doesn't mean I don't strive for perfection, but I find my self getting obsessed with that and lose the exhilaration of that first step into some creative endeavor, or get giant feelings of inferiority when I compare with someone els, I wish this world in which we live didn't push so hard for perfection, but more for the best, when I say this I mean the best that you as an individual can do. I find that when I focus more in doing my best even if it doesn't fall into the category of perfection I enjoy what I am doing at that moment and I enjoy where I at in this time in my life. I know its very important to try our hardest to give all we have and to make an effort, but its very foolish to not want to try just for fear of not being perfect and falling short of either our expectations or someone else's, I find this is my trouble sometimes, and I must ask my self isn't it worse to fail by not doing something just because I was afraid to fail in the first place ? I hope I'm making sense, I guess what I'm trying to say short and plain is don't try to be perfect just be the best you can be in every area of your life, don't let the fear of imperfection inhibit you from your dreams and goals, because imperfection is beauty when we remember we have a Father in heaven who Loves us even with all our imperfections. Now if I could only remember this one all the time.
 I would love to know your thoughts on the subject of perfection.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Fireside Knitting

  Winter is a wonderful time for peaceful evenings by the hearth, I love to sit by mine and day dream, as the flames glow there Bright orange hue, by its side I muse all sorts of things personal and non, also I have  whilst enjoying its warmth been knitting. This hearth is of corse imaginary, how I wish My family had a hearth, we do have a lovely stove that throw's delicious heat on a cold winters eve. But thats not why I started writing this.  I have though been musing over lots of things and I have really been knitting, my first hat, I have formerly been a crocheter alone the only other article knitted by my hand was a scarf which was never finished due to a shortage of yarn, but that too, isn't why I started to write this post. Any way, I have found that whilst knitting there is a wonderful time to muse over all sorts of things, and day dream, these are two of my most loved pastimes, while clicking my needles rhythmically and fingers working tirelessly, this thought floated into my head, life is a lot like a work of knitting, How do i mean ? Only that as we tirelessly weave this masterpiece, We fall short we lose heart we "drop stitches", we grow weary and feel that nothing will ever come of our effort, but I feel this is because "WE" feel we must be the ones to knit our life story and we aren't the ones to. I believe if we let the Master knit and weave our life he makes our tapestry more colorful, more original, more pure to who we are as individuals than even we know, more beautiful and full of interest than we could have imagined. We don't have to work tirelessly to make our lives beautiful, it is His presence that will, let us invite Him to hold the knitting needles and knit us a story the world has never seen before, a breathtaking story surprising to even us living it. How beautiful will it be when we put our life in those hands, I promise you he will make it special.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The dry spell

I have been as of late in a dry spell creatively speaking, I have to say at the start that this is very rare for me the girl with constant stories floating around her head and being driven to utter madness due to the lack of time in a day. So lately I seem to be unlike my self, the river of creativity seems to have been dammed up somewhere, but where I ask my self, my self does not answer. I sit down to write and every word seems forced every thought I scorn as unusable every dialogue is dry even the dialogue in my head has no deeper thought, this cant be writers block because even drawing and sketching seems dull and I listlessly throw every project aside, this will go away right ? again my self does not answer. Its been so long sense I have picked up a pen and wrote something I actually liked or wrote for that matter.
I can't seem to set sail on creativity have I lost it all ? Surely not, but still did I miss the boat to a creative shore ? perhaps
  Lately in these dry spells I have been picking up my bible, what a treasure trove of ideas I have found there even for imaginative stimulation, yes my imagination is even having issues, I am so surprised by the many interesting details that I find my self asking why have I never seen this before, it must just be me because I shared the particular verse in genesis that was making me dream of eden and ancient bible days and seeing how strange the earth must have been, and my brother didn't say anything thats right I there I sat going on and on like a crazed girl and he just looked at me like I was crazy. I am always amazed by the beauty of Gods word and the power it holds against any dry spell even creative one's. I also find that reading helps, what do you my dear readers do to beat the dry      spells ? I'll just be here looking at the sky waiting for a sign of a cloud and maybe rain,
So I can be soaked with creativity.                                               

Thursday 5 January 2012

Of Ice and Fairies and maybe even Spring

 Today was a cold, cold day.
  Ice glazed the windows in patterned designs, I couldn't help but imagine tiny fairies in there cozy winter garb drawing ice masterpieces over the windows throughout the night, what tiny fingers would make such intricate pictures, seeing it tempted me to draw some of my own altho I could not do as good a job as my dreamt of fairies. I also imagine two sisters seated at a window with precious thimbles in hand drawing designs on there icy canvas, as you can read I can't resist being thrilled by icy windows.
The sun did little good to warm the inhabitance of this day, here where I live. Mr sun were you warm all alone in your great big sky, or did colds icy fingers reach even you ?
Its a strange thing when all the world around you if frozen, the ground beneath my feet didn't make a sound the spindly fingers of the trees blew sharply in the icy wind taking my breath as its own,  I wonder if the cold branches dream of spring as they sleep. Ah spring I can easily dream of it on a day like today. babbling brooks, warm breezes, new life. Not that I don't like the cold, I do there's something cozy about it I think of all sorts of things but on a day like today, I must dream. though now its dark outside and I shall soon retire to bed I am sitting here thinking of the cold day, and of the beauty and something else I can't put into words. I must end this post but I hope all of you dear readers had a lovely day, and are enjoying your first week in the new year.
I must ask on long winter days do you dream of warmer weather ? or do you dream of fairies and ice and enjoy all this season has to offer, or do you do both ?

Sunday 1 January 2012

New Morning, New year

 A new morning, I love new mornings the silent still of the earth, the rising sun blanketed in hazy fog the general stir of the home as everything comes to life.
This sunday is so special A new year to look forward to, new dreams, new goals, new possibilities on the horizon, all wrapped up in the new year. A new road never traveled before but a new one full of possibilities all the same, with life and hope waiting for you memories yet to be lived decisions paving that road. yes the new year is so full of promise that I cant wait to see what God has in store. 
And now a word to two thousand and eleven, dearest you have been a strange short year, where were you in such a hurry to go ? you wouldn't stay and chat for even a moment or muse over the days that were so quickly passing, you were full of happy moments, full of tears some of joy some of sadness, full of starts and full of endings. 
What lessons I have learned in two thousand and eleven, looking back it wasn't the best of years it wasn't the most eventful or exciting but it was a meaningful year full of reflection and meditation for me, I have looked within for every post I have posted on this blog and I have learned so much about my self, for that I must thank you dearest readers and blogy friends. I have been thinking about all the things I would like to do in the new year, as I am sure you have done or will do, I will be writing them down later, hopefully. 
I hope all you my friends and readers have a very very happy new year with wonderful blessings on the horizon, I hope you are happy today full of wonderful memories from last year and bright dreams of the future.  
I promise your life is a masterpiece God is paining each and every day, He holds your future in His hands. 
Happy new year