Wednesday, 20 February 2013

A Special Blog Anniversary

Its the two year mark for this little blog and this is a little something I wrote the other day in honor of this most auspicious occasion.
I finger the keys in a musing air.
What shall be written ? Is the question on my mind. Thoughts and ideas sometimes come, but sometimes often they don't. Listen here, the whispering voice comes from within me. Whats written on your heart, that you can tell.
What have you learned that you may share for the benefit or enjoyment of another. This is the struggle that happens every time I sit down to write here on this Blog.
The blank page screams at me, my heart whispers to me, but often I don't listen because I'm afraid that I will sound too full of myself. I hate it when someone comes across preachy, I would never presume to know everything about life. And I would not ever want someone to think I'm perfect. Because I'm not. But I must be real. For two years now this has been the constant, do I share my thoughts, things Ive learned. And sound presumptuous, or don't be me. I decided best be me, and hope the spirit of the words comes across in the way I want it to.
So I ask my self what have I learned and what can I share.
When I started this Blogging journey I would have never understood the experiences I would have.
Start a Blog, it was an easy enough idea, but then I couldn't imagine what would keep me writing each week, or when I felt there was something I could share from my heart.
I wondered,  what at all could I write about. My life is no great adventure, and this may come as quite a shock Ordinary. Looking back now i can see just how much I discovered about myself, when filling out the profile area, it brought me to the question, what defines me, who is Rachel.
That was the start. In two years I have been inspired by others courage and determination.
It has been a journey of revelation, bringing to light my many faults. I have been infuriated with myself.
Dejected to the brink of despair. But a strange thing occurred that I think is quite beautiful. I found I grew in a way I never would, if not for this Blog. And I have a way of seeing that now mapped out for me in monthly columns. So this blog has blessed me, when I gingerly hoped to bless someone else.
But one truly cant teach unless he first is taught.
This Blog became an outlet for the words I have always loved, but here this blog enabled me to find my  voice, one even I couldn't hear.
I have vividly felt more deeply and explored places within my heart I would have never found.
I am still shy, if I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, dearest reader; you would see a shy brunet haired hazel eyed girl. Who stands with her legs together on the balls of her feet, three fingers of her left hand clasped in her right; a nervous tick. A smile to hide my general lack of confidence but a desire to know who you are at your heart, but wouldn't be the first to let you know mine.  Thus I am not perfect, but one doesn't grow overnight. The first time I shared personal details about myself it was nerve wracking and thrilling at once. And now I wouldn't imagine it any other way.
Always sharing from my heart, I hope to pull at your heart strings, with the words that come to me,
Thought a few times in these two years, I have felt deeper than I could find words for.
So I must not stop this long ramble about me, and in turn once again say thank you, Bloggers who have taught me, inspired me, who have pushed me on this discovery.
Thanks for sticking around, and for your comments and support.
The last two years have been an experience, quite the unexpected one. One I have most enjoyed.
I don't have the imagination to throw some grand party to celebrate. So I shall just tip myself a cuppa
and and hopefully this long winded post will convey the gratitude I feel in the only way I know how.
Perhaps next year in february I shall be celebrating here
Revert to photo on left.

Photos via pinterest

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely, dear! Congratulations on two wonderful years of blogging. Hopefully the next year will be even better. *smile*



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