Monday 28 February 2011

Hope Mondays.

Hope is an artist and it paints a picture on the canvas of faith.
 I know its a different metaphor but one that is true. You see when you grasp hope in God concerning a situation or God given dream, you begin to create a picture on the inside. The bible says in Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, hope can be translated intense expectation, I love that way of describing hope it shows that its not just a sometimes fleeting wish, No ! its a picture of something deep on the inside of you, once you have a picture of that thing its not hard to have faith for whatever it is you desire. What are your dreams ? do you have a picture of your self doing that thing ? If not, start to paint that picture. Its the pictures inside of you that determine your destiny. any one can be an artist, so start painting !!!!

In Him.

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