Monday 21 March 2011

Hope mondays.

Take heart, God is on your side, if He is for you then who can be against you ?? Are you resting in the Love that the Father has for you ? It's so easy sometimes to feel down and depressed, hopelessness is a disease and if you let it, it will kill your dreams and when you have no dreams you have no future. We don't have to be hopeless as long as we know how much He Loves us and rest there in that Love, 
the Bible says  in 
Job 4;6
"Does your reverence for God give you no confidence ? 
shouldn't your hope come from the belief that God will care for those who are upright?"
Hope is strength for your spirit and when your spirit is strong you can with patience, wait out any storm this life tries to bring. Know that God will take care of you in every phase of life.So take heart, God loves you!!! Rest in that realization and don't ever move from that, it will grow hope on the inside of you. With hope in Him you will never be defeated.

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