Tuesday 3 May 2011

Hope Mondays.

Fresh hope.
At some point or another in all our lives, we have made the decision to place our hope in someone other than God. Perhaps it was a promise made to you from television commercial, or a coworker or friend, a politician who promised the world, a family member or even your self. Almost always we wind up getting hurt, our hope is weakened, or we lose it all together. When we lose hope or our earnest expectation, we lose all of the feelings that there is something better out there, that our time is coming, there is nothing to look forward to no goal to be pursued. Life becomes meaningless and boring, and all together sad. When we lose hope we lose the dreams and desires God has placed in our hearts. But we cant give up hope we need to place it in the right person and that is always God. In psalm 71:5 David wrote, Oh Lord you are my hope. David knew that placing your hope in anyone else will only be a waste. Our hope should be in God and the promises He has said are our, its only in Him will we find true hope. If your hope has been weakened by trust in others that can not make your God given dreams a reality, take heart DO NOT GIVE UP !!! God is on your side. let Him strengthen your hope today.
Keep hoping in Him.

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